Two major updates are planned within the coming year that will really be worth checking out.
The 1th update will change something very important.
Behind the scenes their is worked on a complete redesign for some time already.
The redesign will guarantee a stable platform for at least 100 people.
The update will also bring a new avatar creation system, new animations, a lot of new items, including armors and a new gui*. (*improved chat window ect...)
Potentially their is more added as with most new versions, but these are the most notable ones for now.
The 2nd update will most likely be the last update that will be worked on in preparation for the live-release.
Not much details to share about it, except that their will be worked on skills and other game-play elements that will make it really interesting.
Forwarded this topic to Jelle on IRC as he could officially respond on the current state from the upcoming VU 0.6.0